Server Support Services |
We have three ways of operation:
Use ComClient for free, contacting
with our dedicated server "Mc & RENOX (default)" using
the address chat.mcrenox.com port 5040. This server can be used for
free without commercial aims, just request us the channels that you want
and begin to chat with privacy with friends and family.
If your company needs to keep connectivity with
clients and employees, you can rent us chat channels with a minimum
monthly cost.
This way include the possibility to have the domain name chat.mcrenox.com to make easy the access to the server and the use of
FTP accounts for sharing files using our secure FileSharing service.
Also you can have the use of ComServer
purchasing the license and obtaining full control over the server and
you will be able to install in your own equipment enabling the
access from users in your LAN network or Internet.